To the Nazareth HS Class of 2022


AS THE FACE OF NAZARETH SCHOOL DISTRICT AND YOUR TICKET TAKER AND MENTOR I AM WRITING THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE!I Would like to take this time to say Congrats on making it through 12 years of Schooling and if you are going to College Good luck to all of you and if you are going into the Military I am so proud of you and A Very much Thank you for taking time to serve for our Country!! I Would like to say it been a true honor to watch all of you move from grade to grade and get bigger and bigger and watch you become a Teenager into an adult! It been a true honor to watch you athletes do great things on the Football Field or in the Gym or at the Swimming Pool, Soccer, Field Hockey, Baseball, Softball Fields etc.. Thank you for all that you have done while in school for Cards, letting me know changes in theatre and tennis schedules or whatever Else. I am so excited to watch you now as you go out into the ”REAL WORLD” And Do some awesome things! Remember where you came from, NAZARETH PENNSYLVANIA!! Hope you guys will stay in touch with me!! Make sure you go to college for something you really want to do so the money the cost is not wasted! Enjoy the Ride, Don’t take life too seriously, slow down and enjoy the ride because life is too short, Forget Tomorrow for a second and enjoy Today and Each Day at the Moment!! Remember to thank your parents, Grandparents and Friends for helping you get to where you are today! In College make sure you Network and talk to your College Professors and on Social Media dont let fake friends take away your TRUE Friends like myself! Make Decisions Wisely, Find a career where you can go to work everyday and not be bummed each day when you leave for Work, if you love what you do, it more than just work!!! Go do what is most important to you and you will love what you do!! Stay Healthy and Decisions! Soak in each day and follow your dreams, your path. Life is a box of Chocolate, Never be afraid to open a new choice in your life and try something new, you might be nervious at first but it might be your career job if try. Have Faith in yourselves, Experience Life to the Fullest and get the very most of experiences that you can get out of it. Always do your best and take Responsiblity to yourselves!Remember there will always be ups and down in life but remember the Sun will always come up again the next morning and a chance to rebound from a bad day the day before! I Know ALL OF YOU WILL DO SO WELL IN EVERYTHING YOU DO!BEST WISHES AND THE DOOR IS ALWAYS OPEN FOR YOU TO COME AND VISIT AT NAZARETH SCHOOL DISTRICT AND I WILL BE EXCITED TO SEE ALL OF YOU AT THE TICKET WINDOW FOR FOOTBALL, BASKETBALL AND WRESTLING EVENTS!!IT BEEN A TRUE HONOR TO WATCH YOU ALL GROW UP AND WILL CONTINUE TO WATCH YOU DO AWESOME STUFF AFTER HIGH SCHOOL!!


CONGRATS EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!